Friday, May 16, 2014

Crazy times

Every now and them, M comes across some pictures of us doing some pretty crazy times.  She thought she would share a few with you from January to present.
Apparently once while C or I had the phone we hit the stopwatch and never stopped it.  M found it 508 hours later still counting!  I don't even know how to count that high--although M has heard me to count to almost 300 before!!! 
Trying flatbeard pizza at our house one Friday movie night.
As M recalls it was good, but not very filling.  Maybe making double the amount next time would be better.
Back in February when C was home sick almost a whole week, M caught her praying in her sleep.  Even a child knows to cry out to the Lord in dark times!
On another pizza/movie night while we waited to take our pizza home we had to sit in front of the jukebox.  M even let us put money in it to play 2 songs.  These days, jukeboxes are not that often found in public places so M thought it was pretty cool for us to find one.
Someone has been having some tea parties!!!!  All dressed up and even though it's only cold water in the cup, the plate had to be added for it to be a "real" teacup!!
M's little butterfly.  The preschool teachers are practicing their face painting skills for the coming summer day camp!!!
"All Aboard" the Leivestad train loop!!!

This globe I received from G&G for my first birthday met an unfortunate end, but M wanted to have a little keepsake before the broken glass was discarded.
Saying good-bye to my cousin's scooter after C left it for the van to drive over and bend it's front wheel beyond riding capabilities.  Since it wasn't my fault my scooter was run over, D found a new one at the local children's thrift store.
Getting ready for camping this summer!!!
Enjoying the few warm days we had in May.
I hope you enjoy our crazy times and have a few of your own this week!!

Daddy's Girls

D had surgery on his nose 2 1/2 weeks ago.  Since I had a field trip to the aquarium I went to school, but C was able to be D's little helper all day.  She sat on the end of his bed and made sure the nurse did everything she was supposed to do during pre-op.

While waiting for D to be done, the time was spent playing games, going for short walks around the hospital,
and taking a "pretend" nap.  It was a long day with a very early morning.  D's surgery was at 8, but in order to get him to the hospital in time for pre-op at 6 am, we had to meet my ride to EP at 5:30 which means we were up and out of the house shortly after 5 am.
After the surgery, C was such a big help giving D his crackers and sips of his drink while he recovered in post-op.
Since D's surgery was on Tuesday, he wasn't available to go with me to the Annual Father/Daughter Dance that same week.  So P was nice enough to come up to EP and spend the evening with me.  As I told M, "P's allowed to come because he's my daddy's daddy!"

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Carnivals in Unusual Places

During church a few weeks ago, we had a clown show up.  He was doing a sermon on King David and being more undignified for the Lord.  After the service he blew up some balloons.

What a show!
Then the next day we went out to eat and it was Kids Day, so we made a craft and got our face painted.

Carnivals in crazy places.  I guess we just have to go crazy with it!!

School Day Out fun

The last Friday in April was a school day out.  We spent most of the day with M running errands.  While waiting for our truck to get some work done, we found a little canal to dip our feet into.

We then had a little picnic before meeting some friends at the children's museum in FC where we explored music and other fun activities.

Even though it was busy, it was a pretty good day.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Getting ready to dye our Easter eggs.

Such pretty eggs.
After the eggs, we started decorating our sugar cookies--making them look like bunny butts.

I went all out and made a whole bunny.

Don't they look just so good to eat.
Cute little Easter baskets.

A nice enough morning to have the egg hunt outside.

Separating our plunder!
While waiting for Easter brunch at church, an impromptu choir started singing around the piano.  Such beautiful songs on a beautiful Easter morning.  A great day to celebrate the fact that Jesus is Risen.  Yes, he is Risen indeed!