Monday, April 29, 2013

Learning to Ski

We got to go skiing three times with M this year, all in March and early April.  The first time was a day out of school for me, so we headed over the Y on the other side to spend the night in a cabin before getting up early and to the ski hill by 9 am for my lesson.  After an adventure last year, M realized she couldn't handle both of us on the slopes by herself, so the decision was made that I would have lessons and C would ski with M all day.

C having a picnic lunch in the tailgate of the van with M.

The best thing about a hard day's skiing is relaxing by the lodge before heading home.  This particular ski hill had a bonfire going. While we waited for B to finish her lesson, C and M enjoyed some snacks by the fire.
I did so good in lessons and C did so good with her balance skiing with M and a hula hoop--rather than M having to stoop down and have both hands on C, the hula hoop allows a little more freedom while still having M in control of speed and direction.
Because we did so great, second time M decided to put both of us in lessons, while she scoped out the blues/blacks for the next weekends girl ski trip and watched us in between runs.  I was on one side of the training hill and C on the other. 
So after two lessons and two solo runs down the bunny slope at the end of day, M thought that she could take both of us the next month to a different ski hill.  We only lasted an hour--it was super windy and M realized that my only speed is fast and straight down!!!  So M thinks that I need one more lesson at the start of next season and C needs a little more time in a Ski trainer attached to M before we are ready for the big times!

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