Monday, April 29, 2013

Learning to Ski

We got to go skiing three times with M this year, all in March and early April.  The first time was a day out of school for me, so we headed over the Y on the other side to spend the night in a cabin before getting up early and to the ski hill by 9 am for my lesson.  After an adventure last year, M realized she couldn't handle both of us on the slopes by herself, so the decision was made that I would have lessons and C would ski with M all day.

C having a picnic lunch in the tailgate of the van with M.

The best thing about a hard day's skiing is relaxing by the lodge before heading home.  This particular ski hill had a bonfire going. While we waited for B to finish her lesson, C and M enjoyed some snacks by the fire.
I did so good in lessons and C did so good with her balance skiing with M and a hula hoop--rather than M having to stoop down and have both hands on C, the hula hoop allows a little more freedom while still having M in control of speed and direction.
Because we did so great, second time M decided to put both of us in lessons, while she scoped out the blues/blacks for the next weekends girl ski trip and watched us in between runs.  I was on one side of the training hill and C on the other. 
So after two lessons and two solo runs down the bunny slope at the end of day, M thought that she could take both of us the next month to a different ski hill.  We only lasted an hour--it was super windy and M realized that my only speed is fast and straight down!!!  So M thinks that I need one more lesson at the start of next season and C needs a little more time in a Ski trainer attached to M before we are ready for the big times!

Fun with Mom

When D is on the night shift, M really tries to keep us occupied so we don't miss him as much.  This particular time around all sorts of activities were going on at the Y and with so much snow on the ground, we had two chances to head over to the other side to ski.
One of the first weekends, there was a Magic Show at the Y.  We ate supper in the cafeteria and then went to the program building to play games while we waited for the show to start.
So excited to sit in the auditorium.....
Once the show started, all the kids were able to go down to the front to see better.
One of our first mornings at a Y cabin on the other side of the mountains, fueling up for a big day of skiing.
All dressed up in our layers and ready to hit the slopes!

First tooth, shoe tying and Hoot the Owl

I lost my first tooth on Friday, March 15th at lunch.  M didn't even know it was loose.  I complained to the lunch attendent that my tooth hurt, so she sent me to the nurse and my tooth fell out.  I got a pretty treasure chest to put it into. 

We were on our way to the other side of the mountain to go skiing, so the tooth fairy had a little bit of an adventure getting to me.  But when I woke up Saturday morning, I found that my tooth was gone and I had a treasure from the tooth fairy.  About a week later, M took me with her to the store and I was able to make my first purchase with my own money--a notebook to record all my stories I am constantly writing on our long drives home.

I also learned to tie my shoes all by myself and became the 5th person in my class to be an official member of Pete the Cat's Shoe Tying Club.  What being a member of the club means, is that if any of my classmates need help tying their shoes, they can come to me rather than the teacher to get help.
Hoot, the class Owl got to come home with me for a weekend, while I journaled about all we did.  It happened to be a weekend we were skiing at SMR, so my pictures showed Hoot watching me from the car while I skiied!

Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, M just got to attend one party because her annual audit was going on at week.  Since C is on property, that was the one M could get to quickest on her lunch break.  Pizza was had along with some candy from the assortment of Valentine's Day cards C got.

When we got home that night, D had a surprise waiting for us in our rooms.
Flowers, candy and a toy.  What more could a girl ask for??

D got each of his girls a flower.  M's is the red rose and C&I each got a pink one.  Thanks D--we love you!!

Silly times

Sometimes we are just silly around our house.  Recently when D pulled out the spray cheese, C&I descended upon him.  It made M laugh, because we pulled up our chairs to the couch so that we could have a buffet of cheesy crackers!!

So yummy!!
This balloon was given to C for her birthday.  Notice the date on the picture--the end of February it was still touching the ceiling.  M finally found it on the floor at the end of April and got rid of it.  What a great source of entertainment for 4 months--hitting around a balloon!
I discovered a new game last time D was on nights and want to play it every night.  Luckily, it is a game that C can play with us.  It helps her count, match colors and I get to feed bunnies and find the surprise carrot at the end. 
Sometimes a hat with jammies is just the style we have as we head out the door on our adventures!!!