Sunday, November 9, 2014

Labor Day camping

Over Labor Day, we got to go and visit G's favorite rock.  The pinwheels we put last year during her memorial were still by the rock.

Enjoying the view from G's rock!

Some serious discussion about the original owners of the cabin we came upon.  In case you need a translation, C is telling me it was owned by the Thanksgiving people (ie. the Pilgrims).  My response, "They lived a long time ago." Not sure where she came up with that idea, but it is probably the oldest people she knows!!
Enjoying the water puddles!

D and his girls!
What a great camping group!!

Apple picking

Our neighbor had a bountiful crop of apples this year.  In just 20 minutes, we picked a full bag full and then spent the next three hours cleaning and cutting apples.  I didn't even peel them, just cored.
The girls helped for a while.

They helped by writing on the bags.
Just half of the bags that adorn my freezer.  Here comes apple pie and apple crisp all winter long!!

School days

Second grade classroom!
My teacher, Mr. Rische and me.
The first day of school--Second grade and preschool!  I keep telling M that I want to be an artist, author and farmer.  C wants to be a mother and a teacher.

WY camping

Even in mid-August there was plenty of snow to play in when we went camping.  Granted we were camping at 9000 feet, but the ATV rides were fun as we went riding through the snow banks!

Uncle W and Cousin A, enjoying the ride.

We rode to the top of the continental divide in WY's Snowy Range Mountains.  What a beautiful ride.

Wedding dance

The same weekend we went to the fair, we had a wedding to go to.  It was a ranch themed wedding, so the bride arrived in a horse-drawn carriage.
The groom's family with the new bride.

Dancing the evening away with the bride.

Look at C's moves on the dance floor!!

Day at the Fair

In early August we spent a day at the county fair. I was tall enough to go on most of the adult rides and yet still short enough to go on the "kiddie" rides, so I had the best day.  C was able to ride some of the bigger rides with M&D, but spent most of the time on the smaller rides she could do by herself.

We spent most of the afternoon going on rides and watched just a little calf roping in the horse arena.  before leaving we played the fish game.
The lady running the game let us both win the medium prize, so we could have matching unicorns.
Walking out we stopped to watch the fireworks show.  What a fun day.

Reward Night

We had a special reward night.  It was to celebrate a very success week.  I had two things to celebrate.  The first was finishing my summer homework, which included writing a postcard to my first grade teacher, Ms. Richardson.

The second big accomplishment was after a year of having bed wetting issues, I finally used pull-ups for the last time and for the last time did my chore of throwing them away on trash day!
To help me along, I had a Chummie friend for about three weeks to just help remind me when I needed to go in the middle of the night.  The other excitement was that I finally lost a front tooth!!
C's big achievement was that she filled out her sticker chart at school, which meant that she went 4 weeks without an accident at school! 
Proud little girl!
So for a celebration night, M&D took us to the drive in theater to watch "Planes."
After eating and while waiting for the movie to start, we played with a bunch of other little kids near the screen.
Ready for the movie with our snacks, and our pillows in the back of the van.