Sunday, July 14, 2013

Learning to ride a bike

At the end of school, we had to write our bucket lists for the summer.  On my list was learning to ride my bike.
So for my birthday, M&D got me a brand new bike since I was getting too tall for my first bike.
Since I had a new bike, I gave the old one to C so she could start learning.  I was even nice enough to take her on the first ride.
M wasn't too sure about the bike after I tried it out the first two times.  I was very wobbly and relied too much on D and P to help me.
But the third time out was the charm.  M committed to running along side me and within a half an hour and three times around the cul-du-sac I was riding on my own.

My summer bucket list is fulfilled and I still have 2 months left of summer!

Rockies Game

On the last day of May, M was invited to to the Rockies game that evening with some coworkers who had the Coke suite for the night.  P was able to take C&I so M&D could enjoy the game.

With the Rockies behind in the bottom of the eighth, M&D left and listened to the radio as the Rockies came back in the ninth.  They ended up losing in OT, but it was a good evening out.

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a family filled Memorial day weekend.  We headed out early Friday morning for MN for M's 15 year class reunion and some time with Uncle S and Aunt S before they moved to CA.  Sleepy girls the last hour of the 15 hour drive.  The drive turned out longer than expected when 2 1/2 hours down the road, I started throwing up.  D gave me Dromidine thinking maybe I was carsick, but after the third episode M decided it really was a sickness.  Luckily I was able to tell M&D and was able to stop in time, so there were no messes in the car.  But by this time it was noon and we were in the middle of South Dakota, and M was spending 20 minutes in the bathroom with me for the 7th time, while D was trying to figure out the air pressure on our car rental tires.  What to do....continue on or turn around?  After conversations with Uncle S, it was decided that we would continue on.
By the time we arrived in FF, I was feeling fine and ran off to play with Cousin L.  The next morning, M&D went to the alumni brunch while Aunt M took me, C and L on a nature hike.
We then were able to include ourselves on the family get together that M's cousins were having that afternoon.  We got to hold the newest cousins, 6 month old twins.
And all the little girls got their nails painted.  M has 4 cousins (of 12 total) with kids and all of them have 2 kids.  Only one boy in all those 8 kids!

After a few hours having fun with cousins, we headed back to FF so that M could attend her class dinner.  It was almost over when M got a call that now C was the one throwing up.  M got her class to take a quick picture before heading out to the sick girls.

By the time M&D got home, C&I were both asleep, so D stayed with us and M headed back out to her class bonfire.
Sunday morning we let the sick girls sleep in before heading out to the Ottertail for pizza.  It was cold and windy on the dock, but the pizza was good and hot!
We hung out the rest of the afternoon and ended up staying an extra day to help pack up the closets and kitchen for the move Uncle S was doing in 2 weeks.

Even Uncle W got the chance to fly in for his 10 year reunion and celebrate his 29th birthday with family.  What a great weekend with family--even if we were sick and got L and Uncle W sick also.  Sorry!)

last day of gymnastics

The last day of gymnastics was a do your own thing day.  I spent most of the time on the high bars, even getting myself into the rings somehow.

We are taking the summer off and hopefully getting back into gymnastics once school starts again.

Summer Days

With the coming of summer, we finally got to really enjoy the outdoors.

Last day of school

The last day of school I rode the bus.  Luckily my best friend P also rides the bus from the Y.

C had ride your bike to school day, so she hopped on her three-wheeler for the last 10 feet!

Another year gone by and summer ahead!

Casa Bonita

In order to celebrate our big accomplishments of B graduating from Kindergarten and C finishing her first year of preschool, M&D took us to Denver to go crazy!  We ended up at the Mexican restaurant Casa Bonita, which has shows and adventures while you eat.

We ate near the waterfall so we watched the divers and the sheriff capture Black Bart while we ate.  Then we walked around the restaurant to see all the other sights, including Black Bart's hideout, a puppet show and the gold mine caves.

End of year celebrations

The last week of school was field day.  M came to help over her lunch break and watched us play a few games and have our Popsicle break--although it was such a cold, windy day.
Mrs. Walker's kindergarten class enjoying treats.
Toilet tag--a game we played frequently in gym class.  Notice that in order to be unfrozen, someone has to "flush" you and you have to turn around twice before running off again!

C's celebration for year end!
She wants to be a princess when she grows up.  M didn't get it on camera, but the first boy to answer (after 4 girls all saying princess) also decided he wanted to be a princess!!  After much laughter from the audience (ie. parents) he decided he wanted to be a truck driver and a princess!

Swimming lessons at the Y

As part of the preschool curriculum at the Y, swimming lessons are given once a week.  The last day of lessons, parents were invited to watch.
Look at C go!

Mother's day

We spent a very simple Mother's Day. After church we went to visit G.  

Then while D grilled steak, M went on a last bike ride for what she thought was her triathlon the next week.  A relaxing day for M with the people she loves most.

My first crush's birthday

At the end of April, in between snow storms, I had the opportunity to go to a BOY'S birthday party.  He was my favorite boy from my kindergarten class.
We went on a treasure hunt around his yard, hit the pinata, watched him open presents and ate dirt cake.  It was a good birthday party!

Here's Zane getting ready to blow out his candles.  What a cutie!